Sharing the Gains of Economic Activity

We will fight for worker power. The share of wealth held by workers is in decline, and the share held by the top 1 percent continues to climb. Our policy programme will enable all people to share the wealth that we collectively produce.


Universal Citizen Dividend

A citizen wealth fund that distributes a dividend to citizens each year

We will set up a Citizen Wealth Fund that is owned collectively by the European public. This portfolio will include assets purchased by central banks, a percentage of capital stock from initial public offerings (IPOs), and revenues from intellectual property rights, among others. Each year, the Fund will distribute a Universal Citizen Dividend that allows each and every citizen to enjoy the fruits of economic activity. The proposed Dividend is independent of social assistance payments, unemployment insurance, and other welfare programmes. We believe that the dividend is the first step toward the creation of a universal basic income, which can provide freedom and dignity to all Europeans, regardless of employment status.

Worker Ownership Funds

A plan to bring firms under partial control of the workers they employ

We are proposing a plan to bring firms under partial control of the workers they employ. Our plan will support medium-to-large companies to create Worker Ownership Funds that distribute an annual percentage of their shares to their employees. Such funds will not only provide annual dividends to workers. They will also increase workers’ say over company decisions as shareholders. As such, they are an important step toward democratizing the European economy.

European Inheritance Tax

A multilateral agreement on Inheritance Tax to minimise the transfer of economic inequality

We propose that European countries come to a multilateral agreement on Inheritance Tax to minimise the transfer of economic inequality from one generation to the next and to provide a strong, efficient funding base for the spending in our programme.

Transforming Corporate Culture

We will shift the balance of power between workers and management in European firms

We will fight to change the balance of power between workers and management in European firms. We will introduce legislation that strips corporate bonuses and strictly regulates executive pay, bringing it within a multiple of the lowest paid employee. And we will guarantee that company boards include directors that are directly elected by the workers themselves, giving greater representation to workers’ interests in corporate governance.

Protecting the Cultural Commons

We will resist the privatization of Europe’s cultural institutions and artistic treasures

Over the last few decades, art has privatized: wealthy collectors hoard precious works, while governments cut back support for museums. European Spring will resist the privatization of Europe’s cultural institutions. We will support the classification of all of Europe’s historic sites as public domain, enshrining collective ownership of the cultural commons. And we will support new EU funding to match member-state investments in a range of cultural institutions — from historic museums to community art centres.

Implementing the Coordinated Corporate Tax

We will push the proposal for a ‘Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base

We will end the race to the bottom in corporate taxation. We support the European Parliament’s proposal for a ‘Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base,’ and we will push to implement it within the parliamentary mandate.

Enforcing the Financial Transactions Tax

We will enforce the FTT to strengthen solidarity and finance expenditure

We will enforce the EU-wide Financial Transactions Tax that has been proposed by the European Parliament. The Financial Transaction Tax is a core element in our strategy to strengthen solidarity among member states and to finance crucial expenditure for the common good.